Our clients


Our clients

“Our clients have one thing in common, namely they choose to partner with professionals to manage their wealth.”

Professionals, business people, business owners, managers, retirees, pre-retirees… the men and women that make up our clientele have rich and rewarding professional and personal lives to live.

We understand that.

That’s why we take the time to really get know you.

Many of our clients want to grow their savings in time for retirement; some seek counsel to make major decisions; others may want to plan the transfer of a business or an inheritance to achieve the best outcome possible.

Whatever their situation our clients share a few common traits:

  • They believe in the power of savings
  • They recognize the value of sound advice
  • They seek financial independence

So do we.

Give us a call to discuss what we can do for you.


Every year the Natalie Sears Advisory Group organizes a number of conferences on the subject of personal finance. Whether a large-scale event suits you or you prefer a more intimate gathering, let us know if you are interested in attending one.

Call us.

Past events

  • Canadian market review and lunch with Kim Shannon, president and investment lead at Sionna Investments;
  • ‘Retirement; An important step’; food for thought for a smooth transition, with Rose-Marie Charest, M.A., psychologist
  • ‘Why invest in small caps?’ With Marc Lecavalier, manager, Fiera Capital.
  • ‘Millennial Money’, with Patrick O’Shaughnessy, manager, RBC O’Shaughnessy U.S. Value Fund
  • ‘Housing and Retirement Conference’ for the UQAM pensioners, with Natalie Sears and Ginette Blondeau.

Please contact us for more information on our next events.

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