Cornerstone Lifetime Wealth Advice

Our dedicated team of experts is here to meet your financial needs.

Personalized advice

Our clients rely on us to deliver the advice and solutions needed to achieve their financial goals. 

With decades of experience working with individuals, families and business owners, we deliver personalized investment advice and wealth management plans designed to achieve success.

Whether you are building your savings, relying on them for income or concerned with protecting or passing on your wealth to those important to you, we can help. 

The client experience

Our commitment to you

Advice and solutions that fit your needs

We want to help you succeed - to articulate and achieve your dreams and goals.  You can count on our help to make your money work as hard for you as you did to earn and save it.

Organized and consistent service delivery

We're committed to delivering an excellent ongoing experience to our clients.  We believe the best way to do that is to keep our clients feeling organized and well served.  

What makes us stand out

Our clients value and benefit from our dedicated, professional advice and service. We work closely with our clients' personal advisors, accountants and lawyers to deliver end-to-end service. 

The  red carpet experience

Whether you are a new client, or one that has worked with our team of advisors for years, we want each experience to leave you feeling confident about trusting us with your long-term wealth management needs.

Through regular contact, update discussions and review meetings, you'll be kept up-to-date on the progress of achieving your goals and how to deal with obstacles that may occur along the way. 

The whole is greater than the sum of its parts

A diversified portfolio of investments is like a forest of trees that needs constant attention, pruning and sometimes, replanting.

Our investment philosphy centres around proven, long-term investments that deliver a diversified portfolio to help you achieve your goals, with a level of risk and volatility with which you are comfortable.

We constantly monitor the investments our clients hold and, when necessary, rebalance or replace to keep your portfolio finely tuned for positive long-term results. 

Fees do not tell the whole story

Fees are important, very important.  We all want to ensure we're receiving value for what we pay.  Our fees and costs are always transparent and reported to you at the time of a transaction and summarized annually. 

We're constantly working on enhancing and improving our service to clients to ensure the fees you pay are justified and reasonable.

Have a plan and follow it

Designing and following an investment and wealth management plan will provide a clear roadmap to achieving your goals.  We understand that plans change, and we're here to help advise and guide you along the way. 

One of the biggest risks to long-term success is reacting emotionally to situations.  An up-to-date investment and wealth management plan can help keep you focused and confident in your financial future. 

There is more to it than just investing

Our goal is to ensure we address all aspects of our clients' wealth management needs including: 

  • Personal protection evalutation to address how an illness, disability or death may affect the success of achieving your long-term goals. 
  • Investment strategy to deliver the results you need with an acceptable level of risk and volatility. 
  • Retirement planning that provides a clear outline of how you can wisely sustain the lifestyle you want in retirement. 
  • Estate planning that addresses the key elements such as minimizing tax, respecting blended families and honouring your wishes. 
  • Legacy planning for those clients that may have excess savings and a desire to see their wealth benefit the community. 

Contact us

Get contact information for our team members and find out where our offices are.  We look forward to speaking with you. 


Phone picto

1 888 778 3956


Andrew Mowat   92847

Kirk Schneider   92842

Kelly Vukojevic   92848