Andy Filipiuk is a Senior Wealth Advisor & Portfolio Manager at National Bank Financial Wealth Management. He has been in the investment industry for over 25 years as an advisor, portfolio manager and author. He graduated from the University of Toronto (BPHE) and University of Western Ontario (MA) before joining Burns Fry in 1988.
Andy now manages over $300,000,000 of assets for clients and has written the book The Money Management Game: What They Don’t Tell You About Mutual Funds .
Since 2009, Andy has developed and launched the Canadian and US Permanent Portfolios, designed specifically for Canadian investors. He is the Portfolio Manager of both funds and oversees them on a discretionary basis for clients. He also leads a team, “The Filipiuk Group”, of five investment professionals who are all dedicated to the preservation of investor capital.
Andy’s sole responsibility is preserving and growing the wealth of his clients.