Monaco Major Wealth Management Group

Our expert team is here to meet your financial needs


Wealth Management Group MONACO - MAJOR

  • Monaco-Major Group was named Team of the Year for the Montreal region as part of the Recognition of Excellence 2017 Program.  This prize is awarded to the team demonstrating superior performance and that has exceeded the expectations of National Bank Financial - Wealth Manadement in terms of the quality of investment and portfolio management, as well as exceptional management of their clients' assets.  In addition to being dedicated to the well-being of our clients, we have characteriezed ourselves by our integrity, positivism and our constant effort towards the success of our professional practice.  


  • As a wealth management team, we will help you define your goals and find ways to reach them.  We will keep you on track to avoid pitfalls generally associated with investing.  We will ensure that your financial future is well structured ans well planned.


  • Our clients' satisfaction is our top priority, and we maintain only the highest portfolio management standards while providing an optimal financial, tax and estate planning strategy.

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Our approach

  • Our practice is based on confidence and respect.
  • By choosing our team, you benefit first and foremost from a long-term relationship with true investment professionals who care about your financial security. Your success is our success.
  • By retaining the services of our team, you will benefit from an objective and comprehensive analysis of your financial position, as well as an action plan and recommendations aimed at helping you attain your financial objectives.

Awards and Recognition

  • Team of the year Award for the Montreal region as part of the Recognition of Excellence 2017 Program.
  • Investment Advisor of the Year for the Montreal region in 2009, 2011, 2012 and 2014, Mr. Monaco has also been a member of the President's Club each year since 2004 and the President's Council in 2012,  2014, 2015 and 2017.  The President's Council is an honor given to only 40 Investment Advisors at National Bank Financial as part of the Recognition Program.


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