Our services

Get answers to all your financial questions from
our dedicated team of specialists

Simplifying your life

Our specialty: Making it easier for you to manage your finances, no matter what your needs, goals or situation are.

Our wide range of services allows us to tailor our recommendations to each profile and work together to find the best solution for you.

Our services

As you go through life and your situation changes, your expectations and financial goals will evolve. Our team guides you every step of the way and calls on specialists from various areas to make personalized recommendations and help you achieve your goals.


  • Have a qualified professional manage your investment portfolio.
  • Strike a balance between risk and reward.
  • Enjoy a flexible solution that stays true to your goals.

Main benefits

  • Have a clear plan to achieve your goals.
  • Be able to react to the unexpected.
  • Achieve the maximum benefits of diversification.

These services are offered by third party specialists. ₁



  • A document outlining your short- and long-term financial goals and the strategies you will use to reach them.
  • The plan reflects your personal and family situation, your risk tolerance and future expectations, and includes effective tax strategies.


Main benefits

  • Your finances will be in good hands.
  • You will enjoy greater peace of mind.
  • You will be able to prioritize your projects and make informed decisions.

These services are offered by third party specialists. 1


  • Document how you want your assets to be distributed after your death.
  • Prevent any misunderstandings among your heirs.
  • Plan for any situation.


Main benefits

  • You will be protected in case of incapacity.
  • Your assets will be transferred without conflict.
  • Your wishes will be respected.
  • You will minimize the tax burden on your estate.

These services are offered by third party specialists.2


  • It is the development of financial strategies to reduce the impact of taxes on your investments.
  • Proposing customized recommendations based on an analysis of your situation and your portfolio.
  • It's about doing more with the same money by optimizing your portfolio.


Main benefits

  • More money to invest or spend.
  • More freedom to achieve your goals.
  • Make tax-efficient investments.

These services are offered by third party specialists.2



  • These solutions will ensure your family's financial future should anything happen to you.
  • They serve as a cushion to protect you from the unexpected.
  • They will help keep your family's plans on track.


Main benefits

  • Enjoy a safety net, even if you are not working.
  • Transfer your assets and protect your legacy.
  • Have peace of mind so you can be at ease.

These services are offered by third party collaborators.3

As a National Bank Financial—Wealth Management client, you can take care of all your banking in one place:

  • Everyday transactions
  • Financing
  • Specific needs

Main benefits

  • Savings on certain banking solutions.
  • Healthcare and legal virtual assistance services.
  • Competitive interest rates.

Do you want to give back to the community? Let our team guide you in designing a philanthropic plan.

  • Setting up a foundation
  • Distribution of donations
  • Bequests in a will

Our unique and modern 3-step approach

1. Discover and understand your financial needs

  • Take the time to get to know you.
  • Study your current financial situation.
  • Understand your future needs and concerns to establish clear goals.

2. Your personalized wealth management

  • We will present and help you implement a personalized plan, built and adjusted around your own goals.
  • Your plan will include all the services you need such as those presented above. Portfolio management, tax and estate planning, philanthropy, etc...

3. Our long-term commitment

  • Maintain regular contact and ensure that your goals and plan are continually updated to reflect your reality.
  • Remain available to answer all your financial and unforeseen questions that may aris

Your wealth is our priority!

  1. Financial Planners are authorized to act in the field of Financial Planning. They exercise their duties for National Bank Financial Inc., a financial planning firm.

  2. We work closely with the Taxation, Retirement and Estate Planning Team from National Bank Trust, made up of multidisciplinary experts who provide knowledge and advice that complement our service offering. These experts assist us in providing the best solutions for your personal finances related to taxation, retirement and estate planning.

  3. Insurance products and services are provided by National Bank Insurance Firm (NBIF) or by NBF Financial Services (NBFFS), as applicable. NBIF and NBFFS are not members of Canadian Investor Protection Fund (CIPF). Insurance products are not protected by CIPF.

  4. Financing solutions are subject to credit approval by National bank.

  5. For details and conditions of the offer, please contact your advisor.

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