Contact us

Need answers? Contact us!

We are here to help

Our team of specialists is here to meet your needs.

Phone : 1 855-362-2552


1040, du Lux Street, Suite 710
Brossard, Qc, J4Y 0E3

Business hours

Our team of experts

Senior Wealth Advisor & Portfolio Manager

Speech bubble picto

French, English

During her 20 years of professional experience in financial services, Johanne built a reputation for devising innovative strategies that helped private investors grow their assets. Today, our clients value the relationships of trust they find at Claveau Group, along with Johanne’s personal commitment to doing everything possible to achieve their goals.

Johanne has recruited a talented and dynamic team who share her entrepreneurial vision, together with a strong network of seasoned collaborators. This enables us to provide clients with premier portfolio management services within a holistic wealth management framework.

Wealth Advisor & Portfolio Manager

Speech bubble picto

French, English

With 10 years experience in financial services at large brokerage firms, Allan is well positioned to provide Claveau Group with a thorough understanding of the investment and portfolio management sectors.

He works closely with Johanne Claveau in developing, executing and monitoring investment strategies for our clients’ portfolios. In his work, Allan follows a disciplined methodology based on objective analyses of factors that can impact our medium and long-term investments.

Directions to get to our office

National Bank visitor parking

The offices are located at the intersection of Highway 10 and 30

We recommend using the underground parking located on Quartier Blvd

If you are coming from

  • highway 30, take Rome Blvd exit
  • highway 10 East, take Quartier Blvd exit

Click here for directions via Google Maps

You are unique

And so are your needs. Contact our team of advisors for a personalized experience.